
From Matt Morris Wiki
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Getting started


ambisonics - general website on things ambisonic-related
csound - MIT-originated soundwave rendering program



the old new thing - raymond chen, win32 technical nuggets
alistair cockburn - agile methodologist
coding horror - .net and human factors
martin fowler - refactoring
paul graham - lisp guru, good on startups

joanna rothman - managing and hiring
joel on software - joel spolsky, business and design
bjarne stroustrup - c++ designer - exceptions ("appendix e") herb sutter - c++ essayist, iso chair

gerald m weinberg - psychology of computer programming

good free libraries, apps and languages

apache - web server
apache tomcat - java servlets/server pages

ace - c++ networking, threading, has tao orb as well
boost - c++ general (regex, smart ptrs, serialization, much more ...)
bugzilla - bug tracking
cppunit - unit testing

cygwin - linux-like environment for windows
ethereal - open-source network protocol analyzer
mediawiki - the software behind wikipedia
pthreads-win32 - posix threads for win32

python - the python programming language
openssh - secure shell
openssl - secure sockets (ssl, tls)
xerces - xml (c/c++, java, perl)

zlib - c++ compression

sites and essays

agile manifesto
c/c++ users journal
c2 wiki - patterns, xp, lots else
disambiguated glommable expression templates revisited - nice title

dr. dobb's journal
meatball wiki - collaboration
risks digest - acm committee on computers and public policy
winsock programmer's faq - includes the lame list

general - people

clublife - nyc nightclub bouncer
the law west of ealing broadway - magistrate
mimi smartypants
my boyfriend is a twat - highly irascible

waiter rant - waiter

general - sites

b3ta - "introducing monday" alone will get them into heaven
math pages - kevin brown
fall lyrics parade - notebooks out, plagiarists

kingdom of loathing - martini, anyone?
orisinal - games
plastic - news and views
subgenius - j.r. "bob" dobbs
weebl and bob - pie!

distributed computing

the eight fallacies of distributed computing

dmoz: distributed computingdmoz: parallel computing  - 

libraries  -  tools



global grid forum
uk grid operations support centre (gosc)

data synapse

ibm's grid page
matlab distribution
platform computing (lsf)
sun's gridengine
digipede - .NET grid provider (new in 2005)

grid computing planet
ieee distributed systems online

network world: grid computing

ip ports: IANA port assignments and ranges